18 Nov

White Maengda Kratom

Kratom white maengda is a kratom variety with white veins. The Kratom white maengda has a very good effect on the body to get relaxation. It provides a relaxing effect for the body and is very good to use when you are tired of working. Kratom white maengda thrives in the wild with excellent nutrition […]

12 Jul

Thai Kratom

Thai kratom is one of the kratom varieties of Maengda. Thai kratom is the best kratom strain ever. By having 3 veins, namely green thai kratom, red thai kratom and white thai kratom. Thai kratom has a very old kratom stem age of about 5 to 20 years, resulting in kratom with the highest alkaloid […]

Kratom Borneo
24 May

Kratom Borneo

Borneo or Kalimantan island is one of the largest islands in the world. The Borneo or Kalimantan island is an island crossed by the equator makes this area becomes the largest tropical rainforest. The Borneo Island has very fertile soil. So that various types of flora and fauna can be found in this forest. Either […]